terça-feira, 29 de março de 2016

4 comentários:

  1. You know... I'm crazy about a little cat that is a bit mad and bonkers as well... Have anybody known her? If I recall her name starts with the letter L... of love...

  2. Lila Loves YOU!

    "Metade de mim é amor e a outra metade... também".

  3. M y m i n d i s a l l u p o n y o u..
    Y o u r l o v e m a k e me f e e l a l i v e..
    A l l m y h a l f s l o v e y o u !

    Durma bem minha sereia.. e não some dos meus sonhos não, heim... kisses...

    1. Your love made me discover another meaning to my life, you changed the way I was thinking.. I didn't want to try again, anymore, but I know you are the one, now I'm sure and I wanna make you the happiest man in the world.. When I'm in your arms I need nothing more..
      Life is not perfect, nobody is.. but be sure I do my best for you, to make all your wishes come true. Love you!!!

      See you in my dreams, where our souls are together
